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Studio Pedals - 

The Analog Effects Mixer

Details for the 


Effects Mixing


General Description

The ZED-10 Analog Mixer's role is to mix the Strymon stereo effects, along with the Source Audio pedal effects.

A mono gain staging, level controlled, feed from the Stage Amps SwitchBlade active distribution box on the ZED-10's channels 7 & 8 provides a dry Stage Amp guitar tone to blend with the two stereo effects pedalboards.


The Allen & Heath ZED-10 is the perfect center to your portable live rig - and it's also ready to rock in the studio.

First of all, the ZED-10 gives you all the connections you need to hook up a small band, a duo, or a solo performer. The four mic/line channels you can connect all the mics and DI boxes you need.

Plus you've got three dual-stereo channels available, each with a gain control and a 2-band EQ. You can send a stereo signal via USB right to your computer, or use the USB port for stereo playback. Plus, you get three send/return busses for recording, playback, and external FX.

Category Type


Purchased from

Is Core Tone Pedal?


Analog Mixer

Allen & Heath



Studio Role

Pedal Cost

The ZED-10 Analog Mixer's role is to mix the Strymon stereo effects, along with the Source Audio pedal effects.

It is also used to support the analog stereo signals from the MacPro Laptop and the iPad Pro.



Replacement Cost



Effects Mixing

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