Online Studio Services
One of the greatest technological advances for us musicians is the maturity of the Internet. With the high bandwidth, and connection speeds approaching a gigabyte, remote recording is not only possible but getting better every day.
The Cave offers interactive Online Video Chats for Instrumental Sessions,
1 on 1 & Personal and Group, Studio Planning & Design, Music Portfolio Collaboration, and Project Management
Remote Services
As Internet technologies continue to improve the Cave's ability to offer near latency-free session recording and interactive "Whiteboarding" is improving, as well.
There are three types of "Remote Online Services":
Project Support - Consulting, Performance, and Recording
Training - Engineering, Instrumental Lessons, Project Management
Issue Resolution - Service Level Agreement (SLA) Compliance
Issue Resolution
The Cave garrentees that agreed up response and resolution times will be met. A formally defined Service Level Agreement (SLA) response time is created when an engagement is finalized.
Contact avenues are:
Email Requests
Smartphone Texts
Phone call requests
Carrier Pigeons 😊
Resolution avenues are:
Video working sessions:
Email Requests
Smartphone Texts
Phone call follow-ups