Studio Recording Plugins -
L1 Ultramaximizer
Details for the
L1 Ultramaximizer
General Description
Advanced level maximizer, look-ahead peak limiter and high-resolution re-quantizer, all in one powerful industry-standard plugin for mastering and mixing. Renowned for its transparency and punch, L1 has been the standard tool used on countless hit recordings over the past couple of decades.
L1 maximizes both the level of the digital signal and the resolution of the final file. It offers superb re-quantization for all bit depths, including 24, 20, 16, 12, and 8-bit outputs. Its look-ahead peak limiter enables you to increase sound file resolution and production master levels with precise control and dithering options.
Studio Role
Studio Peak Limiter
Plugin Type
Item Cost
Is Subscription
Dynamic Processor
L1 Ultramaximizer