Studio Recording Plugins -
EMI TG12345 Channel Strip
Details for the
EMI TG12345 Channel Strip
General Description
Thanks to meticulous component modeling, the Waves/Abbey Road EMI TG12345 channel strip plugin captures every celebrated feature of the one-of-a-kind original console: the input mic preamp, down to every last detail of its harmonic distortion, hum and noise; the bass and treble EQ bands from the mic cassette; the presence EQ band from the console's group/main section; the lush-sounding spreader; and to top it all off, the console's famous compressor/limiter, with its distinctive, irresistible sound.
Thanks to meticulous component modeling, the Waves/Abbey Road EMI TG12345 channel strip plugin captures every celebrated feature of the one-of-a-kind original console. The input mic preamp, down to every last detail of its harmonic distortion, hum and noise; the bass and treble EQ bands from the mic cassette; the presence EQ band from the console's group/main section; the lush-sounding spreader; and to top it all off, the console's famous compressor/limiter, with its distinctive, irresistible sound.
Studio Role
Studio Vintage EMI Channel Strip
Plugin Type
Item Cost
Is Subscription
Channel Strip
EMI TG12345 Channel Strip